Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Robyn's World Giveaway

Heads up sweepstakes lovers! Hurry on over to and enter to win the gift card. Be sure to read the rules and if you link to Robyn's website you get an additional entry. I love Amazon gift cards, so good luck!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

America for Sale

This is the saddest thing I have ever seen. I'm sure this was meant as a joke, but the truth behind the eBay listing is frighteningly close to what's happening. The only difference is we're being sold off spacious sky by spacious sky, purple mountains majesty by purple mountains majesty, stream by stream, person by person. You can see the listing at:

If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye, then you need to reflect on what happened in the years prior to 1776 and ask yourself how the patriots would feel about how the land they so bravely fought and died for is being polluted and sold off to foreign countries who have no intentions of preserving our history or protecting our precious resources. So, as you drive happily along in your Japanese piece of shitmobile, you can feel satisfied that you are part of the problem and will probably never be part of the solution. If you think that Japanese cars being built in America gives you a pass for buying their crap, then think again. All that yen is going right back across the ocean and being used to buy more and more companies right here in the good old USA. As soon as Japan is successful in buying the government of America, you have Karoshi to look forward to for every family with an employee of the Japanese. Look it up, you may learn something.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Safe Fourth of July

I wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July. It seems the plan our forefathers outlined has been waylaid lately and today is a good day to reflect on what it means to be free. We're very lucky to live in the USA, despite all the hard times we are all experiencing right now. You don't have to look far beyond our borders to see the suffering that goes on. Hell, you can look within our own borders and see suffering but the difference is our suffering and poor are free; free to rise up from the poverty and seek peace and prosperity. Other countries don't have that opportunity. So let's all be thankful today for what we have, grateful to those who sacrificed so much to give us the great country we have, and to thank God we were lucky enough to be born in the good ole' USA. Yes, things are screwed up right now but America has a history of rising from the ashes and becoming even better than it was before.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Stand up and recite the Pledge with pride and know that no matter how bad it is today, we can all make our voices heard in November and bring about change for the common good. If you don't believe that and you stay home on election day, then nothing is going to change. I don't care who you vote for, just vote. If our elected officials don't fear the public vote then truly nothing will change. If congress and the senate don't get the message this year, then shame on us. Special interests and bullshit legislation needs to stop and the only traffic cops here are us. If we put the money wasted by Washington into the education and health care systems of America, think how far we could rise above the shambles we see today.

Do yourself a favor and think about what is important to you. Then find a candidate who represents what you believe and vote for them. Look beyond the political rhetoric and into their voting record. Research who has donated to their election campaigns from the very beginning. Where have they worked? Which lobbyists are joined with them at the hip. What they say today has nothing to do with what they will do when elected. People are habitual and politicians are habitual liars. Whatever they have to say to become elected is what you'll hear. You are your only source, not the cable news networks. Anything you need to know is available on the internet. Stand up and be counted and make our Forefathers proud. Make them happy they sacrificed and proud of the country they left us. I am so very grateful to be an American and there is nowhere else on earth I would rather live. Our history is rich with heroes and countless others who sacrificed anonymously.

There is nothing going on in this country today that we can't change. My God, 36 million people voted in the Democratic primaries this year. That was a primary! If those 36 million Americans are joined with Repulican and Independent voters, our voices will be heard loud and clear.

God Bless America and enjoy your God-given freedoms.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Interstate Batteries Begs for Busch Fans

Really, you have got to be kidding. Interstate Batteries posted an "Open Letter to New Englanders" asking them to jump on the Kyle Busch bandwagon because he's a winner. Is Kyle running for president or has his marketing machine gone off the deep end trying to sell merchandise. Since when has New England become the mecca of winning teams? New Englanders have been true to their home-town heroes despite years of losing.

The very idea that Interstate Batteries believes they can politic for fans is ludicrous. Nascar fans are devoted to the bitter end. I confess I have added a new driver or two to my list of favorites through the years, but not because some corporate dipshit asked me to. It was because I appreciated their personality, their talent on the track, and their willingness to struggle through their rookie period and learn from those who wish to teach them.

Kyle Busch is nothing more than a hard-headed, disrespectful, irritating kid who knows how to drive wide open. The very fact that Interstate Batteries has to beg New Englanders to take Kyle into their favor is an insult. You can read their letter here and decide for yourself. If they have to tie a porkchop around Kyle's neck to get the dog to play with him, then he has bigger public relations problems than we know.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ticketmaster and Entertainment Rewards Club Committing Fraud

Yes, I found it hard to believe as well. When my bank security called to question the $9.00 charge I was irritated they would bother me with such a small amount. After all, they said it was denied and we ended the call. However, after writing to Entertainment Rewards and asking what they were doing, I received email from Entertainment Rewards Club notifying me that my bank denied their $9.00 charge and I needed to contact them to correct the situation. This is what they sent me:

"Dear Valued Entertainment Customer,

Thank you for your recent inquiry. The $9 charge you received is for the Entertainment Rewards program. When you made a purchase through Ticketmaster you were invited to try Entertainment Rewards free for 30 days and receive a Cash Back Award on your next Ticketmaster purchase. After clicking on the continue button you were taken to a page describing the Entertainment Rewards program. By entering your email address twice and clicking "Yes" you were entered into the Entertainment Rewards program. By clicking "Yes" you agreed to the following:

1. A 30-day free trial to that may be cancelled at any time.

2. After your free trial, you will be billed $9 per month.

3. You authorized Ticketmaster to securely pass your name, address and credit card information to for benefit processing.

4. You have read and agreed to the offer details.

However it does look like you have cancled and are no longer going to be charged."

Really? I haven't purchased tickets from Ticketmaster since, maybe the 90's. That would explain why the purchase was declined...the expiration date was wrong!!! So, who's the criminal. Well, actually I believe it's both of them. Ticketmaster, you see, owns Entertainment Rewards Club, so would benefit from passing along those credit card numbers and see who is stupid enough not to notice the $9.00 fee on their bank statement.

Word to the wise, READ YOUR BANK STATEMENT! You'd be surprised how many double charges, overcharges, fees that don't belong, etc., I find on my statement every month. If you don't catch them right away you are screwed. We all use our debit cards and not checks, so yes, the statement is a little busy with information. Just don't say I didn't warn you about this scam.

What I don't understand is if the internet is peppered with bitching from people who were burned by this scam, why are either of these companies still doing it? I will be contacting my local attorney general and whoever else I can pester until someone pays attention. I can be VERY annoying if you ignore me. You should be too!

The Brits can "SUCK IT"

WTF is wrong with the Brits?! Martha Stewart has been banned from traveling to England because she's a felon. Who in England isn't a felon?Hollywood Scoop posted the following (so take it for what it's worth, tabloid kaka) A spokesman says, "We continue to oppose the entry to the UK of individuals where we believe their presence in the United Kingdom is not conducive to the public good or where they have been found guilty of serious criminal offences abroad." Martha Stewart is not conducive to the public good. Really? Okay, so she went to jail for her little stock deal. So WTF does that have to do with the public good in England? Martha was coming there to fulfill a business obligation. Their economy would most likely prosper from that deal and the people that live there may have even had a chance a having food that didn't taste like crap for a change. Thank God we are not still under British rule. Even "W" will be out of here in a few months and hopefully we get another chance with a new president. The Brits just never change. They need to loosen their wigs and quit snuffing the wig powder. By the way, this isn't a racial slur. Brits do have sticks up their butts so I'm only reporting the truth. You only have to look at the USA to see how England doesn't know their butts from first base. Sorry, it's true. Martha, fly right on by that God forsaken country and I'm sure you'll be welcomed anywhere else you want to travel. Not conducive to the public good, indeed!