Wednesday, July 30, 2008

America for Sale

This is the saddest thing I have ever seen. I'm sure this was meant as a joke, but the truth behind the eBay listing is frighteningly close to what's happening. The only difference is we're being sold off spacious sky by spacious sky, purple mountains majesty by purple mountains majesty, stream by stream, person by person. You can see the listing at:

If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye, then you need to reflect on what happened in the years prior to 1776 and ask yourself how the patriots would feel about how the land they so bravely fought and died for is being polluted and sold off to foreign countries who have no intentions of preserving our history or protecting our precious resources. So, as you drive happily along in your Japanese piece of shitmobile, you can feel satisfied that you are part of the problem and will probably never be part of the solution. If you think that Japanese cars being built in America gives you a pass for buying their crap, then think again. All that yen is going right back across the ocean and being used to buy more and more companies right here in the good old USA. As soon as Japan is successful in buying the government of America, you have Karoshi to look forward to for every family with an employee of the Japanese. Look it up, you may learn something.


Chad said...

I'm glad you're not protectionist or anything. I can almost hear you now, "Hunker-down and point the guns at the Japanese! HONEY! PROTECT THE BUICK AT ALL COST!!"

If you think the concept of Karoshi is only relevant to Japan than your bubble is even smaller than even you're aware. Only here in America we bundle it in with other heart attack and stroke statistics.

Oh, BTW, my Toyota Prius can kick your car's ass any day of the week. Japanese engineering at it's best, mmmm, so nice and tasty.

Annie Mack said...

Actually it's a Ford and if you're ever in Delaware I'd love to put your pansy prius to the road test. Let me guess, you're a republican. I hope your job is shipped overseas as soon as possible. I love to see republicans begging at the welfare lines. Prius, indeed. Great choice you pompous ass.

Super Math said...

Don't worry about him, Annie! Republicans are crap! But you really shouldn't wish American jobs oversees, that's kinda unpatriotic.

Annie Mack said...

Just HIS job, super math. Chad seems to think America should be sold piece by piece, so long as his pocketbook isn't affected. If we all took the time to read labels and buy products that were produced only in the USA, we'd all be better off. It may cost a few cents more in the short term, but the long term results would be well worth the investment. We're investing in our future but nobody can get past the "me" factor that drives their everyday lives. How many people are aware that the generic over-the-counter drugs they are buying are made in India, China, or any of a dozen other countries that ship their drugs to the USA and are never evaluated by the FDA. Why do you thing the drugs manufactured in our country are so expensive? If we didn't have the protections in place, there would be millions of people dead or severely injured by untested and unsafe drugs. The FDA isn't perfect, but it's better than nothing and I'd rather take my chances with them than some third world shithole anyday. Why isn't the government demanding the same standards as we demand of our own pharmaceutical houses? Good question! Ask the politicians and you'll find a lobbyist up their butt with gifts and cash and trips galore to make sure the FDA stays out of that scenario.

As for Chad, he can keep his Prius and run it into the ground for all I care. I just hope he lives long enough to suffer the consequences of his selfish,near-sighted, idiot actions.