Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Interstate Batteries Begs for Busch Fans

Really, you have got to be kidding. Interstate Batteries posted an "Open Letter to New Englanders" asking them to jump on the Kyle Busch bandwagon because he's a winner. Is Kyle running for president or has his marketing machine gone off the deep end trying to sell merchandise. Since when has New England become the mecca of winning teams? New Englanders have been true to their home-town heroes despite years of losing.

The very idea that Interstate Batteries believes they can politic for fans is ludicrous. Nascar fans are devoted to the bitter end. I confess I have added a new driver or two to my list of favorites through the years, but not because some corporate dipshit asked me to. It was because I appreciated their personality, their talent on the track, and their willingness to struggle through their rookie period and learn from those who wish to teach them.

Kyle Busch is nothing more than a hard-headed, disrespectful, irritating kid who knows how to drive wide open. The very fact that Interstate Batteries has to beg New Englanders to take Kyle into their favor is an insult. You can read their letter here and decide for yourself. If they have to tie a porkchop around Kyle's neck to get the dog to play with him, then he has bigger public relations problems than we know.


1 comment:

Super Math said...

YEAH! Don't let "the man" get you do endorse NASCAR drivers! Follow NASCAR drivers independently. It's like drinking Coke, it's not because it's advertised heavily or because anybody told me too but because it tastes better. Following NASCAR is the same.